Some put their faith in lucky numbers or being spiritually aligned with one, while others may believe in numerology, a relationship between numbers and life. Whatever your path, go with intent.
— Asha Patel

To find your numerology number, simply take your birthday DIGITS, and keep adding until you arrive at a single-digit summation. For example, a birthday of 7/8/1987 would be calculated as 7+8+1+9+8+7 = 40 = 4+0 = 4

Here’s what your number says about you:

1 – focused, originality, courage, ambition

2 – charming, warm, kind, cooperative

3 – confident, optimistic, expressive, cheerful

4 – loyal, hard-working, steadfast

5 – freedom, adventure, curious, traveler

6 – nurturing, understanding, empathetic, artistic

7 – spiritual, perfectionist, intuitive, contemplative

8 – endurance, self-disciplined, determination, intensity

9 – humanitarian, compassionate, warm, ecologically MINDED